Have you tried using the 24 herbs that are basically used
through out the world? There are lots of cultures and
traditions around the world had used herbs for medicines,
flavoring in foods, and perfumes. Generally, the names of
the herbs are very common and it is being used for one or
the other.
Herbs as you will learn are mostly bacteria free, at least
free of any harmful bacteria. They have the naturally
occurring microorganisms. It is found out that there are
hundreds of different evaluations of Chinese formulas,
crude herbs as well as finished tablets.
There is no disputing the fact that herbs are natures best
gift to man on earth, as there are so many various and
different uses for them.
When you take a look at our Western culture which has only
been in existence for maybe 250 years, we have food
flavorings, powerful medicines, and teas we most all use on
a regular basis.
We have heavy doses of vitamins and minerals coming from
most herbs as well as other nutrients that are good for our
If you will use leaves as a mulch along with manure you can
protect your favorite herbs and their growth right on
through the winter months
Most herbs almost always promote natural bacteria of our
body system rather than relieving our symptoms. Many times
the herbs are prescribed just for protection. We receive
natural healing when we are using herbs.
You will find that most herbs are easily grown in our home
gardens. Although they do not cure all diseases they do
give assistance to curing our bodies. The dandelion root
promotes the digestive system by using it as a laxative.
Many people consider herbs to be used for aromatic
properties and they use them mainly for food spices and
herbal teas. Herbs contain many beneficial health effects
such as antioxidants.
We have two major classifications or dimensions of herbs.
The temperature is the first dimension, namely hot, warm,
cold ,neutral and aromatic.
Once they are dried they will crumble as well as the stems
break when bent. You will need to check the instruction
booklet for your dehydrator for specific details as to what
and when.
Many beliefs use herbs as god and goddesses, such as in
Hinduism, there is an herb in a form of Basil by the name
of Tulsi and is exalted and worhiped because of the
medicinal health value since Vedic times.
They are very nice to add to the garden. The aromatic
fragrances and the freshness of the herbs helps relieve
Many are also grown in nicely in containers. If you are
short on sunshine you can place them in containers on a
sunny patio, or even a small terrace will do it.
Can you tell us the names of all the 24 herbs? If not pay a
visit to the Jim Woodall Herbs Website, he has all kinds of
articles , videos and news feed there for you and at
absolutely NO COST
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