Homemade Fast Food Favorites

Posted by myGPT Team | 7:41 AM | 0 comments »

As tasty as fast food is, it simply isn't economical to
dine out as often as we would like, particularly if you
have a large family. So if dining in is to be your fate,
why not make the best of it and enjoy a nice home-cooked
spin on your favorite fast food dish? We've prepared a few
instructions to get the meal you're craving at a price you
can afford.

First up is the great American burger and fries. For this,
you'll need some ground beef or ground steak, 1 egg, a dash
or coriander and paprika, salt and pepper, about a
tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, and finely chopped
onion. Adjust all of the seasonings and the onion to your
taste preferences. Mix all the ingredients into a bowl
until they're fully blended. Roll the seasoned meat into
balls, and then flatten into a patty shape. Place in a
slightly-oiled skillet on a medium heat (or on a barbecue
grill) and cook thoroughly, turning occasionally. Top with
condiments of your choice, such as onion, tomato, lettuce,
pickles, ketchup/mustard, etc. If you can, toast your
burger buns just before serving to give it that little
extra something.

For the fries, get a few large potatoes (peeled), and cut
into 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch strips. Add oil to a Dutch oven
and heat to about 320 degrees F. Completely submerge the
potatoes in the oil--try to work in small batches--for
about 3 minutes or until the potatoes are floppy and pale
in color. Remove them, pat them with paper towel, and allow
them to cool. Put the Dutch oven back into the oven to heat
to 375 degrees F. When the oil is heated, put the
partially-cooked potatoes back into the oil for another 3
minutes. When they're done, remove them and pat off any
excess oil. Serve hot.

Pizza is another fast food favorite that can put a nice
spin on any night in. All you need is a packet of or tube
of pizza dough (very cheap at your local grocery store),
pizza sauce (also cheap, but you can make it yourself with
a bit of tomato sauce and Italian seasonings), grated
cheese, and the toppings of your choice. Simply roll out
the dough, spread a bit of sauce evenly over the dough,
sprinkle with cheese, and add the toppings of your choice.
Ground beef, bacon, mushrooms, peppers, onions, and even
pineapple are all tasty toppings that many people have on
hand. Cook the pizza according to the instructions on the
pizza dough package; serve hot and enjoy!

Another great fast food favorite is Long John Silvers's
fish (or chicken). The batter for this is simple: 1 cup of
plain flour, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of
baking soda, a bit of garlic, 1/2 cup of cornstarch, 1/4
tablespoon of salt, and 3/4 cup of water. Mix all of the
ingredients until the batter is smooth. Dip your fish (or
chicken) into the batter until it's fully coated, then deep
fry at 400 degrees F for 3 - 5 minutes until batter is
golden brown. You might want to stick a knife in to make
sure the fish is thoroughly cooked. Serve with cole slaw
and fries and you're set!

These recipes are easy to make and you'll find yourself
saving a great deal of money when compared to what you'd
spend at a fast food joint—plus you can always save
the left-overs for later!

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