Easy Recipes for the Culinary-Challenged

Posted by myGPT Team | 3:12 PM | 0 comments »

Do you have a severe lack of skills in the kitchen?
Unfortunately, not everyone has the natural ability to
throw ingredients together to yield a tasty masterpiece;
however, I have a solution for those of us who lack
culinary finesse! If you're tired of stove-top Ramen and
Hot Pockets, then get ready to wow your stomach with these
simple recipes!

Homemade Pizza

1 package pizza dough
1 jar pizza sauce (tomato puree works, too—and it's
grated cheddar cheese
toppings of your choice (pineapple, onions, sausage,
pepperoni, mushrooms, etc.)
Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper to taste

To prepare: If the pizza dough comes in a package, prepare
it according to the instructions (usually you just add
water, then knead it). If it comes in a tube (like
biscuits), then you just have to roll it out. To do this,
just sprinkle a bit of flour on the (clean) counter top,
roll the dough with a rolling pin. If you don't have a
rolling pin, use a round glass or do as best as you can
with your palms. If you prefer a truly deep dish pizza,
then leave your dough about half an inch thick. If you like
it a little thinner, roll it out until it's 1/4 inch thick.
Transfer the dough to a greased cookie sheet. Preheat the
oven according to the temperature on the pizza dough packet.

Next is the sauce. Spread the sauce over the dough—as
much or as little as you like! Sprinkle salt, pepper, and
Italian seasoning on top, then a little of the grated
cheese. Throw on your toppings (ground beef and sausage
need to be browned in a skillet beforehand), then coat with
more cheese. Sprinkle a bit more Italian seasoning, then
pop it in the oven. Use the cooking time on the pizza dough
as a guide, but keep an eye on it. The pizza will be ready
when the crust has turned golden brown and the cheese has

Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo

1 package Knorr "Pasta Sides" Alfredo (or you can just buy
a cheap jar of Alfredo sauce and a package of noodles)
1 cup broccoli
1 cup grilled chicken breast strips (frozen kind works fine
as long as it's fully cooked)
salt and pepper to taste

If you opt for the jar sauce and noodles: boil some water
in a pot, add the noodles, and cook for about 8 - 10
minutes. Heat the sauce in a saucepan on a medium heat.

If you chose the packaged Alfredo, just prepare is per the
directions on the package.

Fill a small saucepan about half full of water and put on
the stove to boil. Chop most of the stems from the broccoli
(I like to leave about 1/2 an inch of stem on mine), then
chuck in the pan of boiling water.

When the noodles are done, strain them. Toss a spoonful of
butter into the pot and return the noodles to it (this
keeps them from sticking). Check on the sauce—is it
piping hot? If so, add it to the noodles and mix it well.

The broccoli should be done after about 8 - 10 minutes of
boiling. Test a piece to make sure the texture is to your
liking, then strain the broccoli and add to the noodles. In
a microwaveable bowl, heat the chicken in the microwave
until steaming hot, then add to the noodles. Give it all a
good mix and season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.

Tuna Salad

1 can tuna (drained)
3 cups wide egg noodles
1/2 cup mayonnaise (real mayo, not miracle whip)
1/4 cup ranch dressing
1/2 can corn
4 spoonfuls relish

Boil the noodles in a pan of water for about 10 minutes, or
until fully cooked. Strain them and rinse with cold water
to cool them. Throw the noodles in a large container
(preferably one with a lid). Mix in all the ingredients
together, stirring well. Cover and refrigerate. (It makes a
lot, but this lasts a few days in the fridge, so you can
munch on it whenever you're feeling peckish.)

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