Are you one of many people who tends to skip breakfast
altogether? Do you use the following excuses more often
than not: "I can't eat in early in the day—it upsets
my stomach," "Breakfast is one of the most fattening meals
of the day," and "I don't have time to make breakfast."
Each of these excuses may SEEM true, but there are
certainly ways around them. Keep reading for breakfast
ideas to combat each of the three "breakfast excuses."

If the thought of pancakes or eggs and toast first thing in
the morning makes you feel sick to your stomach, you may be
considering the wrong foods. While eggs are certainly a
healthy breakfast food, you don't have to limit your
breakfast options to sweet or greasy foods. Some people's
stomachs are genuinely more sensitive in the morning, and
for circumstances such as this it is recommended that you
start out with something light, and then see how you feel.

After you wake up, try to manage your way over to the
kitchen to boil some water for a nice cup of tea (with milk
and sugar, if you like). Warm tea is great for settling an
upset stomach, so we recommend having a cup of tea to "test
the waters" on your stomach's reaction to stimulation early
in the day. If the tea goes okay, try opting for a bland
food, such as toast, oatmeal (porridge), bananas,
cantaloupe, raisins, or even a bran or pumpkin-based
muffin. Try going through a list of foods in your head and
see how your stomach acts in response. Boiled eggs and
tuna? Crackers with mozzarella cheese and turkey? There are
loads of protein-rich foods that you can use to start your
day off with a nutritional boost, you just have to be
willing to give them a try!

If you're worried about gaining weight from eating
breakfast, you are likely putting it on because you DON'T
eat breakfast. When you skip a meal, you body starts
hoarding any fat it can get from the meals that you DO eat
in preparation for another long period without food. For
instance, if you eat supper but skip breakfast and lunch,
your body is going to store the fattiest parts of the food
from supper to build up a reserve of energy. Imagine that
your body isn't sure when the next bit of nutrition will
come along, so it's saving for a rainy day. Instead of
breaking down and disposing of unnecessary fats, your body
is keeping them because they're a high source of energy. A
healthy breakfast will go a long way in aiding your weight
loss. Try opting for cereals high in bran/fiber topped with
skim milk, or boiled or scrambled eggs with whole wheat
toast and unsalted margarine. There are plenty of healthy
breakfast choices; if you find it difficult to think of any
that sound appealing, do a search on the Internet.

You might find that you rush around every morning and still
have trouble making it in to work or dropping the kids off
at school on time. We all go through this, but your health
shouldn't suffer due to schedule restrictions. Whenever you
get some spare time—on the weekend,
perhaps—chop up a large amount of fresh fruit or whip
up some pancakes. Store the pre-made breakfast in a
freezer-safe container and pop it in the freezer. Before
you go to bed at night, take the next day's breakfast out
of the freezer and pop it in the fridge. When you wake up
in the morning, that bowl of fruit or the handful of
pancakes will be ready for you to munch on while you're
heading out the door (or to snack on while you're working).
Smoothies are a great morning boost that can be made the
night before. Just chuck your favourite fruit, some vanilla
or plain yogurt, and a handful of ice into a blender. Put
the ready-to-drink smoothie mixture in a glass and seal the
top with plastic wrap, then place it in the fridge. In the
morning, just remove the plastic wrap, throw in a straw,
and you've got a breakfast on the go.

We have all been told that breakfast is the most important
meal of the day—and it's absolutely true. The meal we
get in the morning not only "breaks the fast" of the hours
we were sleeping throughout the night, but it sets our
bodies up with the nutrition we need to face the day. Try
to give a little thought to your breakfast routine. Do you
need to make some changes?

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