Wine Cellars Come In Many Types and Sizes

Posted by myGPT Team | 4:58 AM | 0 comments »

Wine cellars come in many different shapes, sizes and
styles. But without a doubt, if you are a wine aficionado,
it has probably been one of your fondest wishes to own
your own wine cellar where bottles of your favorite
vintages are aging to perfection. If you are a true wine
lover, nothing beats having your own collection of
favorites ready to share with like-minded friends.

Wine cellars can be built for just about every budget and
storage situation. You don't even have to have a dedicated
spare room for the smaller versions that are simply a rack
designed to hold a few bottles and have them on display.
Depending on factors like budget, available space and one's
interest level, wine cellars vary considerably and you will
be able to find one quite suitable to your specific
individual needs.

Let's start small with our discussion. The smaller
variations that are available hold anywhere from one to two
dozen bottles and they're sized just right to fit into a
corner of a spare closet or to display in a room of your
choice. Depending on how much space you have to work with
(and your budget, of course), you might want to look at the
larger storage systems. Storage space need not be a
limitation to your dream if having a smaller stock on hand
isn't a problem.

Now let's discuss the important things to consider when
planning your cellar. It is crucial to realize that wine
is an ever-changing thing and the conditions under which it
is stored will affect how well it ages.

Storing wine is very simple when you boil it down to the
basics. It requires a constant temperature, humidity
level, darkness, stillness (stored away from vibrations)
and a well-ventilated clean area.

Folks who are only storing a few bottles of their favorites
will probably not be able to control all of these variables
as well as someone who is building a designated area for
their wine cellar like a spare closet or room in the house
but even if you are only storing a few bottles on display,
it's best to store them in the best available space.

Those folks who are building a dedicated space for their
wine cellars will want to consider the following
recommended requirements:

1) Insulation - It is well advised to have a room that is
well insulated to keep the room's temperature as stable as
possible. It will be far easier to build an insulated room
above ground than one below as it takes about three feet of
dirt to provide the same insulation as 4" of fiberglass
insulation or form insulation.

2) Temperature - It is generally accepted that a good
temperature range for storing wine is between 50 and 59
degrees Fahrenheit (10 - 15 degrees Celsius) It is
imperative to keep the temperature of your storage area
below the mid-70's Fahrenheit to prevent deterioration of
your wine.

3) Humidity - Wine with natural corks requires a relative
humidity level of around 70% to assure the cork's ability
to do its job but anywhere from 50% to 80% is probably
suitable. Lower humidity levels can allow corks to dry
out, permitting air to reach the wine and thus eventually
spoiling it.

4) Darkness - Light will prematurely age a bottle of wine
so the best option for good storage includes a dark area
where the wine is exposed to only occasional light.

5) Finally, don't forget to store your bottles on their
sides. The wine in a well stored horizontal bottle will be
in contact with the bottle's cork, keeping the cork wet and
preventing shrinkage which will allow air to enter the

There are many different types of wine cellars available
and this article should help you select one that is just
right for you.

Interested in having your own wine collection? Visit to find help choosing from
the many different types of wine cellars available today.

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