Açai is a member of Euterpe Genus (Euterpe oleracea
Mart.) extensively distributed in Northern South America.
It is most abundant in the floodplains of the Brazilian
Amazons. Acai (pronounced ah-SAH'-ee) is a lanky,
multi-stemmed, monoecious palm that can grow to over 30
meters height. The most important aspect of this palm tree
is the acai palm berries. The acai berry fruit grows in 7
species of palm through central and South America found
along the basins, rivers and swamps. The acai berry fruits
are mainly harvested from July to December. Each palm tree
can produce from 3 to 4 clusters of fruits, each cluster
can weigh 3 to 6 kilograms, and it contains about 700 to
900 individual grape sized berries. The globular shaped
fruits change their color from green to dark purple during
the process of ripening and their size range from 1.0 to
1.5 cm in diameter. The majority (about 90%) of the fruit
is the large seed in the middle; the edible layer of the
fruit is very small and covered by a slim fibrous layer.
That is one of the reasons why acai is not that cheap. The
edible layer is prepared as pulp and then made into a thick
juice. The pulp has roughly 2.4% of protein and 5.9% of
lipid. The juice has been prepared for human consumption.
The taste is a combination of berries and chocolate. A lot
of historical and biochemical evidence indicate that it is
the healthiest fruit we have found so far.
It is commonly blended or combined with other fruits,
juices, and made into energetic snacks, liqueur, jelly, ice
cream and the freeze dried powder, which actually has
higher potency than the liquid form due to the higher
concentration of the nutrients. The powder has been used to
make pills. It has been found that this magical fruit is a
natural metabolism booster, hence a great healthy answer to
a lot of dieters. It is unlike some other natural weight
loss remedies such as hoodia, it does not suppress your
appetite, and it instead burns more calories when you lead
your life in your normal activities. This property of acai
is also used by athletes to get a better performance boost
since their heightened metabolism also releases more energy
(a good energy booster).
As we noted before, we do not just consume acai alone, we
use acai in combination with other beneficial products to
gain the most benefits form acai. Because of this marvelous
acai benefit, a lot of companies have created products to
aid weight loss. However, not all products are made equal.
Some of the products have artificial ingredients in them,
some of them use lower quality ingredients and some of them
simply do not have the right combination of ingredients...
Therefore it is very important to be informed about a
particular acai product before your actually start buying
acai products.
Judith has a master's degree in biochemistry and computer
science. She has done extensive research in cancer biology,
developmental biology, and anti-aging research in prominent
research institute in the United States. Her interests in
Anti-aging, healthy living and technology has prompted her
to spread the words of good news in both technology and
health related products and issues. If you want to learn
more about acai products, you can visit
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