Looking back at the history of coffee brewing may have some
people appreciating their single cup coffee makers more
than ever before. The products of today not only allow
people to enjoy these beverages but enjoy them without a
lot of hassle to make them.
The first cups of Joe were not the easiest to make and
maybe not enjoyed as much as they are today. Seeing how
far these products have come to brew a perfect cup every
time may have people wondering how their ancestors could
even drink what they called coffee.
Back in the 19th century a morning pot of Joe wasn't
exactly what it is today. In fact many may be turned off
by how they had to drink it. Boiling water on a stove top
may give a hope that something appetizing is going to be
made. However for those drinking the first cups of Java it
is how they made it. Once the water was boiling they added
the beans that were roasted and ground. When the smell of
the coffee hit the air it was considered ready to drink.
This is how they made it before anytime of modernized
methods were produced.
The development of new modern methods came with the drip
brewing pot. Soon to follow that many products were using
vacuum systems to brew up a cup of Java. Unlike the
single cup coffee makers of today these products were very
difficult to use for daily use. They were mainly used to
allow people to enjoy a clear brewed cup. The vacuum
systems heated the water in a low pitcher until it was
pushed into a thin tube into the upper pitcher that held
the coffee. Once the lower pitcher was emptied the vacuum
would suck the coffee back down to be strained into lower
pitcher to be poured. Taking a look back shows how
technology has pushed its way through when it comes to the
first cup of Joe in the morning. The next phase in brewing
growth came with the percolator.
The first patented version came out in Massachusetts in
1865. Success came with these products due to the
invention and modifications in electrical safety that went
hand in hand with better tasting coffee. Not only was it
better tasting but easier to make as well. The design of
these percolators also made it easier for people to pour
safely and easily. These products were found in almost
every home and were very popular.
Seeing where these great products have come from gives an
appreciation of what is available on the marker today.
Every product that can be purchased is safe and the tastes
of the products they brew are much more enjoyable. Finding
grounds once in a while may be tolerable but drinking them
every time is unbearable for most people. With many
different types of products for restaurants, families and
businesses these days brewing enough is easy. When it
comes to one cup at a time it no longer has to be done on
the stove. Making history is done these days when people
choose to purchase single cup coffee makers.
Mike Brown
For the perfect one cup coffee makers visit.
Also you'll be able to find free coffee samples here.
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