600 Chocolate Ways To Indulge Yourself

Posted by myGPT Team | 12:02 PM | 0 comments »

Let us take a brief tour into the inner sanctum of
chocolate, a food that goes beyond epic proportions.
Tasting some of the origins, popularity, and flavor of
chocolate, this food is ever present within today's
society. From checkout counters and impulse buys, to
specialty shops and home made recipes. As we know,
chocolate covers many other foods such as coffee beans,
peanuts, and raisins. Chocolate also paves way to just
about any shape including bunnies, hearts, coins, and yes,
even the shape of a Halloween tombstone weighing in three
pounds of nothing but milk chocolate.

ORIGINS OF CHOCOLATE. When eating chocolate, you are
partaking of the cacao tree, which requires specific
environmental conditions to successfully grow. Flourishing
within Central America, documentation far back as 3000
years, the cacao tree is also known as Theobroma, a
scientific name branded by Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus
(1707-1778). Throughout history, chocolate uses range from
a delicacy in food industries to the application of
treating varies ailments. Did you know the word chocolate
derives from the Aztec word "xocolatl" which translate to
"bitter water?" Thankfully some extra ingredients are added
to remove the bitterness.

POPULARITY OF CHOCOLATE. Chocolate is so popular experts
are concerned there may be a shortage in the future. To
keep up with demand, ingenious methods are being used to
cultivate the cocoa tree. One system of growth makes use of
providing premature shade for the cocoa trees, and then
treats them with excess sunlight to optimize production.
Alas, this method only lasts for about 10 years as the
trees lose their potency. However, futuristic methods such
as vertical greenhouses can be placed in cityscapes and
provide environmental conditions to grow anything
plantlike, including the lovable cocoa tree!

INDULGING FLAVORS. With chocolate having such a deep
history, supported by today's mass popularity, gives
chocolate the potential for many recipes. Chocolate can be
different in taste from sourness to sweetness. Chocolate is
also provided in varying textures such as smoothness,
crispiness, crunchiness, softness, and of course liquid
form. Most important of all, chocolate is commonly combined
with many different flavors, adding a magnitude of variety.
This literally allows many recipes to be invented and
ultimately consumed with glee.

Obviously there is no way to place several hundred recipes
in this article. Instead, there is info pertaining to a
powerhouse chocolate recipe cookbook that should easily
provide your desires and decide upon any chocolate recipe.

Highlights of the recipe book are located at

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